10 Easy Ways to Help With Burnout and Mental Exhaustion

10 Easy Ways to Help With Burnout and Mental Exhaustion


Robert Watkin

29 June, 2022

Category: Side Hustles and Entrepreneurship

Burnout is a common problem in today’s society. Many professionals suffer from burnout due to long hours at work, lack of sleep, and stress. If you want to prevent burnout, here are some ways to help.

Burnout is a condition where someone feels emotional exhaustion and physical exhaustion after working for extended periods of time. This feeling is often caused by prolonged exposure to stressful situations or negative emotions.

There are several things you can do to reduce burnout. In todays article I will explore what exactly burnout is, how you can identify burnout and most importantly the ways you can prevent and alleviate burnout and mental exhaustion.

How Does Burnout Occur

Burnout occurs when your body becomes overwhelmed with stress and emotional distress. It is not uncommon for people who work in high-stress positions to develop burnout.

The main cause of burnout is stress. Stress comes from many different sources and may differ person to person. The more stress a person is under, the higher their risk of burnout.

Stressors include:

– Lack of control over one’s life

– Overworking

– Poor communication skills

– Conflict between work and personal life

– Unhealthy lifestyle (lack of exercise)

– Lack of support from family and friends

– Financial problems

– Relationship issues

– Job dissatisfaction

Most commonly this mental exhaustion comes from job burnout. If you feel stressed out, it is important to take action. The first step is to recognize that you need to change something about your situation. Once you have identified the source of your stress, you should try to make changes.

You also need to be realistic about your ability to handle certain situations. You cannot expect yourself to always deal with every situation perfectly. If you find yourself getting frustrated or angry because you are unable to resolve an issue, then you need to address this.

You need to learn how to manage your stress levels so they don’t become overwhelming. There are many techniques available to help you cope with stress. Some of these include meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation.

It is also possible that a person could be susceptible to chronic stress. This is a type of stress which does not go away. To help deal with chronic stress appropriately you should contact a health professional.


The Signs of Burnout

People who experience burnout usually show different signs. Below I have split the symptoms into two categories – physical and emotional.


Emotional Signs of Burnout

How do I know if I am experiencing burnout? If you feel like you’re constantly struggling to meet deadlines and keep up with work demands, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the stress of it all. This can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety, and depression.

These emotional reactions are of course not what we want to be feeling. Often these feelings can make it harder to tackle the issue that caused the stress and burnout itself.


Physical Signs of Burnout

Burnout can also affect your physical health. Physical affects can include headaches, fatigue, insomnia, stomach aches, back pain, and loss of appetite. Although physical symptoms are less likely then emotional symptoms, they can still occur especially if the burnout and mental exhaustion continues.


How to Combat Burnout

Once you have recognized that you are suffering from burnout, you need to take steps to combat it.

Here are ten tips on how to combat burnout.

1. Take Time Off

One way to combat job burnout is to take time off. When you take time off, you will have more energy and less stress. Ensuring you have time to unwind and refresh is key to ensuring long periods of time without burnout.

2. Get Support

When you are dealing with burnout, it is essential to get support. Talk to someone close to you who you trust. They can provide you with advice and encouragement. It is also helpful to talk to people at work. They can give you feedback and offer their own perspective.

3. Change Your Environment

Changing your environment can help reduce stress. Try to avoid working in places where you are likely to be distracted. Also consider changing your workspace. A new desk, chair, or lamp can improve your mood and productivity.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise has been shown to boost your mood and increase your energy level. It can also help you sleep better. Make sure you exercise regularly. Even just 30 minutes of light exercise each day can have positive effects.

5. Eat Well

Eating well can help you stay healthy and happy. Make sure you eat balanced meals. Avoid eating too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods. These things can cause digestive problems, which can contribute to low energy levels.

6. Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress can negatively impact your mental and physical health. You should try to find ways to manage your stress levels. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing are great tools for managing stress. Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle ­relaxation can also help.

7. Delegate Tasks

Delegating tasks to others can free up your time so you can focus on important projects. It can also allow you to spend more time doing something you enjoy.

8. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries helps you control your workload. It allows you to say no when you don’t have enough time to complete an assignment. It also gives you the opportunity to ask for help when needed.

9. Find Meaningful Work

Finding meaning in your work can help reduce burnout. If you do meaningful work, you will feel happier and more fulfilled. Look for opportunities to use your skills and talents.

10. Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends

Spending quality time with family and friends can help you cope with burnout. It can also help prevent burnout by giving you a sense of purpose.



Burnout effects us all at some point in our lives. We need to learn how to identify this condition early on. This will help us deal with it before it becomes a serious problem. I hope some of the tips within my post may help alleviate the feeling of burnout.

In fact I personally have recently felt somewhat burnout with Portfolio Hub. For those that don't know, Portfolio Hub is solely ran by me. At the moment I have made just over 40 blog posts (each taking 2-3 hours) where I have been posting 3 times a week. I have done this around my day job, working on other aspects of the site, and managing my personal life. The main reasons I have been able to tackle the burnout and keep up my motivation is by tracking progress, setting realistic goals and most importantly, allowing myself. time to wind down and rest.

I hope you have found my blog post helpful but if you feel like you need further help then contact your doctor for professional advice. As a disclaimer, I am not a professional in the field of phycology and burnout however these tips have came from my personal experience and have managed to help me so far.

Thanks for Reading 😀



What can mental exhaustion feel or look like?

The symptoms of fatigue are different for everyone. However, as stressors slowly build up over long periods of time, we might not recognize the impact right away. In fact, the people around us may notice changes in our behavior before we do.

Source: (greatist.com)

How to help friends or family members?

How can you help someone experiencing burnout? While you can’t take away someone’s stress, offering support can help lighten their emotional load.

Source: (healthline.com)

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes, symptoms of mental exhaustion can occur due to an underlying medical condition. A person should talk to a doctor if they are experiencing any of the following:

Source: (medicalnewstoday.com)

Will this last forever?

Mental exhaustion is painful and yes, exhausting. But despite how difficult it may seem in the moment, situations can be lifted and changed. Give the tips listed above a shot, and remember to take it easy — giving your mind a break and delegating tasks when needed are crucial to fighting off fatigue.

Source: (greatist.com)


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