The Benefits of A Crypto Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy for Beginners

The Benefits of A Crypto Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy for Beginners


Robert Watkin

14 October, 2022

Category: Personal Finance Basics

Have you heard about the term “dollar cost averaging” before? If you haven’t, then let me explain it to you. This strategy involves buying shares or other assets at regular intervals over time. The idea is to spread out your investment into smaller amounts each month, so that you don’t pay too much at once.

Dollar cost averaging (or DCA) is a method of investing where investors purchase securities periodically throughout the year. In other words, they invest regularly, rather than waiting until the last minute to buy their investments.

This strategy has several benefits, including reducing risk and volatility, increasing diversification, and improving long-term returns. This strategy can also help with crypto investing because it allows you to buy more coins when prices are low and less coins when prices are high.

I hope you enjoy today's post on the benefits of a dollar cost averaging strategy in cryptocurrency!


What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

Dollar cost averaging is one of the most common investing strategies used by beginners. In this method, investors purchase shares of stocks or cryptocurrencies every month (or any other regular period of time). They set up automatic transfers into investment accounts, and let the investments grow over time.

The idea behind dollar-cost averaging is that you can buy fewer shares when prices are low, and more shares when prices are high. You want to spread out purchases evenly across the entire price range of a security, rather than buying all of your shares during the highest points of the market cycle.

This strategy works well for diversifying portfolios. If you don't know what to do with your money, dollar-cost averaging gives you the opportunity to gain experience without risking too much capital.


Benefits of Dollar-Cost Averaging

Dollar cost averaging is one of the most popular investing strategies out there. But why do people use it?

One of the benefits of dollar-cost averaging is that you don't have to worry about day to day prices. When you are dollar-cost averaging, you are also likely going to be investing long term. This means you just purchase your assets at the same time regardless if the stock is down in the short term or up in the short term.

If an asset you are purchasing on your dollar-cost averaging strategy then it is not necessarily to be thought about as a loss (until those losses are realised). Instead you can think of it as you getting a discounted price on your crypto or other assets which means when the asset goes up in the future you will have a higher profit.

On the other hand, if the asset goes up in the meantime then the benefit of that is... well you have made profit. You may not be purchasing at as cheap prices but you are in the green which is a great help in feeling your assets are secure.

Another benefit of dollar-cost averaging comes from the fact that you're purchasing shares at regular intervals. It's easier to keep track of your investments when you make them regularly.


Dollar cost averaging in the crypto market

As mentioned, dollar cost averaging is not just for the stock market. It is a great strategy that may help with crypto investing.

The crypto markets are known for being exceptionally volatile. Dollar-cost averaging will help smooth out the volatility over time by essentially giving you an average price of all the crazy price movements. And once again, this massively helps as a long term strategy.

Many people like to day trade the crypto markets because of the volatility so if you have been wanting to invest in crypto more long term but find the movements to erratic then dollar-cost averaging might just make long term crypto investing a feasible choice.


Benefits and Drawbacks of Dollar-Cost Averaging in Crypto

Dollar-cost averaging is a simple investing technique where investors purchase assets over time based on historical average prices. In the case of cryptocurrencies, it could mean buying Bitcoin every month for 12 months straight. If the price goes up each month, you'll end up with a larger portfolio. But what happens if the price dips? Will you lose money?

There are pros and cons to dollar-cost averaging in crypto. For example, lumping everything together will likely give better returns than dollar-cost averaging. However, there's a risk of losing out on gains if the price drops before selling. And if you're holding onto your coins too long, you may have to pay more in transaction fees.



Dollar-cost averagings is one of the most effective strategies for investing in the cryptocurrency market. It allows you to buy into the market at a discount and sell later at a premium. The key to successful DCA is knowing how much you want to invest and sticking to that amount.

I am not a financial advisor and anything I say in my blog is not to be taken as financial advice. For any financial advice please contact a financial professional. My blog is based on my own opinions, research and understanding of the financial markets.

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What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

Investing can be challenging. Even experienced investors who try to time the market to buy at the most opportune moments can come up short.


Why Do Some Investors Use Dollar-Cost Averaging?

The key advantage of dollar-cost averaging is that it reduces the negative effects of investor psychology and market timing on a portfolio. By committing to a dollar-cost averaging approach, investors avoid the risk that they will make counter-productive decisions out of greed or fear, such as buying more when prices are rising or panic-selling when prices decline. Instead, dollar-cost averaging forces investors to focus on contributing a set amount of money each period while ignoring the price of the target security.


How to Set Up Automated DCA offers a DCA Trading Bot on the Exchange. Trading Bots allow users to build their positions without having to constantly follow the market, as they automatically place and execute orders if they meet pre-existing conditions and parameters. This feature is available for all users on the Exchange platform. For a step-by-step guide on how to set up your DCA Trading Bot, please refer to our Help Centre article.



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