Welcome to Portfolio Hub

Welcome to Portfolio Hub


Robert Watkin

28 March, 2022

Category: Personal Finance Basics

Hello, and welcome to Portfolio Hub! This is our first blog post but don't worry, we have put up another couple of blogs to get started. 

Who are we?

Well funnily enough, by we, I mean me. Behind portfolio hub is just Robert Watkin (writing this post). Most of the posts on portfolio hub's blog will be created by me unless I decide to get some additional writers on the team. 

Our Purpose

The site is still in early stages at the moment of writing this, and plans to be more than a blog. In fact, a blog wasn't even an idea when planning Portfolio Hub. So what is the goal of portfolio then?

Well, as you may be able to tell, I am very much interested in personal finance aka. FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). Mainly I invest in the stock market through a multitude of apps where I mainly keep an eye on the portfolio through a spreadsheet. Essentially, my final goal is to make my spreadsheet redundancy providing a clean, minimalist yet informative platform to view all my investments across different platforms.

Starting with a selection of tools (a few of these are currently available on the site), then progressing to a blog (which was going to be a forum) to help provide valuable information on my experiences within the FIRE world, and the third and main stage would implement the portfolio tracker/manager.

We are very open to feedback and suggestions and in fact encourage it. The more input we get for the best portfolio tracker, the better the outcome for the software overall.

Thanks for Checking Out Our Site

If your reading this then that means you've not jumped straight away from our site, thank you for reading the first blog post on Portfolio Hub and feel free to check out other pages such as the calculators pages or Contact us page if you'd like to contact us about anything else.

I hope you enjoy using the site and please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the experience. Keep an eye out for new blog posts in the coming weeks.


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At Portfolio Hub, we are dedicated to helping individuals manage their personal finances and achieve their financial goals. Our blog provides valuable insights and resources on topics such as budgeting, investing, and retirement planning.

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