My Stats After 5 Months On Medium (and MPP)

My Stats After 5 Months On Medium (and MPP)


Robert Watkin

28 August, 2022

Category: Personal Finance Basics

How often do you read articles on Medium? If you're anything like me, then you probably check out new posts every day or two. I'm sure you've seen some great ones, too.

Medium is a free publishing platform (with a paid version) where anyone can create their own blog or magazine. They offer a ton of features, such as analytics, commenting, and even ads. The site has over 100 million unique visitors per month.

In today's post, we'll be looking at my stats five months in posting three times per week on Medium. Let me know how your blog is doing on medium in the comment section.

My Blog Content

I started Medium because I wanted to create content for my project Portfolio Hub. Portfolio Hub's overall goal is to be a SaaS (Software as a Service) which allows investors to track all of their investments in one easy to use location.

When planning Portfolio Hub I knew that I wanted to create a blog to help share my knowledge of personal finance which I have been researching over the past nearly 4 years.

My content ranges from general information on the financial markets including investing in stocks and cryptocurrency. I also cover information on my own personal finance journey to FIRE through my monthly stock portfolio updates.

Finally, I try and share side hustles and other methods of making money either online or with the good ol' brick and mortar style. I have been posting 3 times per week (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) since the first post on my website ( on 28th March 2022.

I shortly began posting the same content from my website on to medium as I knew medium already has an established platform to get people seeing my blog. The tricky part about making a new website is that you don't show up easily for new visitors unless paying for advertisements.

Medium provided a way that I could post my content to a wider audience and begin to grow a following leveraging all of Medium's handy tools.


The Stats

So five months into posting on Medium consistently, what are the stats looking like. As expected, I am no where near blogging full time through medium however, I am happy with the growth up till today. Below is the most recent 30 days at the moment of writing this (19/08/2022). 

As you can see I had a fairly nice spike during the middle of the month. I am fine with the views dropping since that spike as a  majority of those views and reads were from my replies on other peoples posts. I'm not exactly sure why Medium stacks all of the views and reads together like this but this is how it is.

If anyone knows of a way I can see a better statistics breakdown then I would greatly appreciate it.

The below images are my stats flicking back through the previous months going from most recent  (apart from the image above) to the oldest:

As you can see my blog has been growing at a pretty regular pace which I am really happy to see. My past social media ventures through platforms such as YouTube never seemed to continue a steady pace, so I am very pleased so far. 

And of course, as I continue to post and interact with the community I think it will be possible to maintain some level of growth for at least another view months providing my posts are liked, helpful and manage to get promoted through the search engines.


My Most Popular Post

The most viewed and read post on my blog is 'The Best Passive Income Ideas to Make More Money in 2022'. Below are the stats for this blog post:


My read ratio is 29% which from my research I've seen people typically get between 20-50%. So I am pretty happy with this read ratio.


Some of my blog posts may get a higher read ratio than 29% such as the post below:

With the post 'July 2022 Stock Portfolio Update' I have a much higher read ratio sitting at 81%. This post has a lot less views so this read ratio may have ended up lower if the post was pushed more.


I think this is interesting as it shows the read ratio is not the only factor used to determine which blogs are shared on medium. Even with the high read ratio, Medium hasn't been sharing this article internally for sometime as my views seemed to stop quite suddenly.



My Most Popular Comment

My most viewed reply to someone else's post can be seen below:

I notice a lot of my comments have a very high read ratio. I also notice this is usually a higher number on short comments so I imagine a view also gets counted as a read depending on how long they have something on screen. 

With the small comments being well... small; I imagine this would mean it's a short amount of time the comment has to be on screen for it to be a read. Hence, the large read ratio.

It's also apparent that this post received a lot more attention then one of my blog posts where the comment usually takes me a few minutes compared to a few hours for the blogs. This shows that making an effort to interact with other peoples posts can be a good way to get yourself in front of more eyes. 

Of course, this doesn't mean to go spamming comments on every post you see. But if you can add something to the conversation like a bit more information on the topic or something from your own experience then it may be well received.


The Medium Partner Program

I am currently on my third month in the Medium Partner Program (MPP) and it looks like this month I am on track to make more than the cost of the Medium subscription this month.

Above is my earnings through the MPP between 1st August and 18th August. If I extrapolate that out for the month I get:

( $4.64 / 18 ) * 31 = $7.99

The Medium subscription costs $5 per month so providing this month I make more than that, I will put any extra towards supporting my website Portfolio Hub is the main platform where I post my blogs and is where I plan on releasing my SaaS.

In the image above you can see my earnings over the past few months. As you can see June was the first month I began making money through the MPP. I am not entirely sure why the month before June is listed as December but either way I didn't make any money before June.

As mentioned previously I am writing this on the 19th August so the earnings for August only show up to the 18th.



I always find seeing peoples stats interesting, maybe I'm odd but maybe not. Either way I hope you have enjoyed this insight into my blog and where I have progressed after 5 months. Obviously this isn't the fastest way to make money so if your hoping for a 'get rich quick scheme' then turn away from Medium. 

It takes a lot of work to create the posts relative to the amount of money made up until this point. I am not complaining with this though as I knew this would be a long journey and I have enjoyed the content I have been making a long the way.

If you want to see more of my future posts and help boost my stats a little further then consider following me on medium or subscribing to my blog through my website. If you want to read some more of my posts then check out a few of my picks below.

Thanks for reading 😀


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