August 2022 Stock Portfolio Update

August 2022 Stock Portfolio Update


Robert Watkin

03 August, 2022

Category: Investing For Beginners

Hi all, this is my monthly portfolio update which is a little different from my usual content. I hope you find this interesting and please let me know your thoughts on the companies I own a part.

Why am I sharing my portfolio?

That is a question you may be asking yourself. After all, many people find talking about there personal finances as taboo however whenever other people have shared there portfolios online I have always found it interesting and often motivational to see where I could be going. This is why I too will share how my portfolio progresses month to month. 

With my current situation I am working full time with this website as a side project. The site currently is losing money each month however hopefully in the future, this will act as an additional supplement to my portfolio. With that being said, I thought it may also be fair to share my portfolio if some money from this site may eventually end up helping my portfolio grow.

I am also going to say my portfolio is by no means a large portfolio however, it also is a modest amount of money for some people. I don't want this post to come across as any form of brag. I purely want to share my portfolio in the name of transparency and curiosity. I will also be able to look back on this in many years to come as to whether I have made great decisions... or awful ones.

My Portfolio

So the total value of my portfolio as of August 1st 2022 is £13,563.02, up £2,685.33 (+24.69%) from last month.

The shares I currently own are all highly speculative growth stocks. You may disagree or agree with my picks and I am open to hearing your thoughts down in the comments below. I am now in my 4th year investing which in the grand scheme of things is a short time so I am open to the fact that my opinions may be flawed and I am happy to be proven wrong, however with my current judgement I am happy with my picks.

StockTickerQuantityCurrent ValuePnL
Virgin GalacticSPCE381.54£2,331.50-62.17%
Crispr Therapeutics CRSP16.30£1,013.82-31.37%
Bionano GenomicsBNGO791.47£1,225.22 -42.73%
Up Fintech HoldingsTIGR64.07£192.09-14.86%

Changes Since The Last Update

At the end of July I added another £200 into Tesla, my goal to be at 10 shares. The market seemed to perform better this month than it had done over previous months. This has meant that my portfolio is now over the value I started the year at (£12,794.67) putting me green this year for the first time in many months. However, including the deposits I have made this year in addition to the start value gives me £15,284.03. This is where I would have been had the stock market stayed flat all year and I made my purchases, so with that taken into account I am down £1,846.65 this year.

I expect to be back over that amount before the end of the year, and maybe higher depending on how the market performs. With the US economy officially being in recession (2 quarters of negative GDP) this may cause stocks to continue their way down.

This is all for this month's update. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading 😊


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