Top 15 Tips To Improve Concentration and Focus

Top 15 Tips To Improve Concentration and Focus


Robert Watkin

08 July, 2022

Category: Side Hustles and Entrepreneurship

Concentration and focus are two important skills that everyone should master. They are essential for success in school, at work, and even in life.

Concentration and attention span are two things that we often take for granted. In reality, they are very important skills that enable us to perform better in our daily lives.

Here are some tips to improve concentration and focus.


1. Get enough sleep.

Sleep is a vital part of your body’s natural healing process. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can affect your brain function and cause health problems. Sleep deprivation also affects your ability to concentrate and focus.

Many people find that getting seven or eight hours of sleep each night allows them to have more energy throughout the day. It also helps them stay alert during the day.


2. Exercise regularly.

Physical activity is good for your overall well-being. It improves your mood, reduces stress levels, and boosts your immune system. Physical activity also makes you feel happier and calmer.

Physical activity will help you maintain an even level of blood sugar, which is crucial for keeping your mind sharp. If you exercise too much, however, it may actually make you less able to concentrate and focus. You need to find the right balance between exercising and staying focused.


3. Eat healthy foods.

A balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables will keep you feeling energetic and give you lots of nutrients. Eating junk food will only leave you tired and unfocused. Healthy foods include fresh fruit, whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy products.

Eating healthy foods in combination with regular exercise can help regulate your energy levels and cognitive functions. The positive impact can help improve concentration.


4. Stay away from stimulants.

There are many different types of drugs out there that claim to boost your mental performance. Some of these drugs may be helpful if used properly, but others can seriously harm your health.

Stimulants like caffeine and amphetamines can increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure, making you feel anxious and agitated. These drugs can also result in headaches and insomnia. In conjunction with the first tip, caffeine can actually impact sleep so reducing stimulants such as caffeine your sleep can also improve further affecting your concentration.


5. Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol has been shown to impair memory and concentration. This means that drinking too much alcohol could make it harder for you to remember what you were doing when you drank too much. Alcohol also slows down reaction time, meaning you might not notice something until it’s already happened.


6. Take breaks.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by tasks that require long periods of concentrated effort. Taking short breaks every now and then will allow you to reenergize, giving you a new burst of energy.


7. Use relaxation techniques.

Meditation and deep breathing exercises are great ways to relax your mind and reduce your anxiety. Studies show that meditation can improve your cognitive abilities, including concentration and focus. Deep breathing exercises can also help calm your nerves and lower your stress levels.


8. Learn how to manage your emotions.

If you tend to worry about everything, you won’t be able to concentrate on anything. Worrying doesn’t solve any problem, and it just keeps you stuck. Instead, try to learn how to control your emotions and use positive thinking to deal with things instead of focusing on negative thoughts.


9. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is being aware of what you’re experiencing at this very moment. Being mindful will help you avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. Try practicing mindfulness whenever you start to lose focus.


10. Get plenty of rest.

Sleep is essential for improving your concentration and focus. If you don’t sleep enough, you won’ t be able to think clearly. Make sure you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.


11. Don’t multitask.

Multitasking is a big distraction. When you do more than one thing at once, you’ll have trouble concentrating on any single task. It’s better to complete one thing at a time and finish it before moving onto another.


12. Keep track of your progress.

You should write down all the things you need to accomplish during the day. You can even set up an agenda or calendar to remind yourself of the important things you need to do. Doing this will also allow you to see which days you have managed to focus better than other days.

With this data you can begin to analyse the different factors which effect you personally to start improving your concentration even further.


13. Be organized.

Organization helps you keep track of all the details. Having a place where you store all your notes, documents, and other information will help you stay focused. Spending a little additional time, be it 5 minutes or 30 minutes, you can plan all the tasks you have to complete.

I like to use simple checklists. I use a note taking app on my PC called Obsidian (not sponsored) where I have a new note each day with a checklist. I am not good a blocking out calendars for work however, this is another method that many people find useful.


14. Find a quiet environment.

When you work in a noisy office, it can be hard to concentrate. Turn off the phone ringer, close the door, and find a space where you can be alone. For me this is my office/spare room. I have my desk setup away from the living room or other noisy areas of the house.

This means when I am writing blogs, working my day job or working on the website I have a space where I can zone out on work.


15. Reward yourself.

Reward yourself after completing a difficult task. Give yourself some kind of reward so that you feel motivated to continue working. This not only allows you to feel better about work you have just completed but also ensures you have something exciting to work towards. This is especially useful if you are working on something you don't particularly enjoy.


 16. BONUS - Play music.

Although this tip is 16, it is actually one I find most useful. When I was in school many teachers didn't let us play music through headphones as they thought it was a "distraction" yet funnily enough I have found that the random teacher who allowed music ended up with me handing my work in fully complete.

Now in my adult life I still find playing music in the background of me working (usually not one I really enjoy singing along to as that is a distraction) still helps me focus on work. In fact, as I am writing this post I am listening to music.



So there we go, those were my top tips for improving concentration. There are many different ways to improve concentration and some effects are different from person to person. If you are having trouble concentrating then try to test out different methods. If you think you may have a more serious issue then contact a health professional.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you did find it helpful please share this article on social media or leave some feedback down in the comment section below.

Thanks for Reading!



What if I’m continuing to have problems?

You can talk with your GP to identify what support is available. Your doctor can discuss whether referral to an occupational therapist or psychologist for cognitive rehabilitation and is available in your area. may be useful to help you manage your cognitive difficulties.

Source: (

What is concentration?

Concentration is the mental effort that you are placing on a specific task, situation or outcome. It links closely to attention span, which is the time you can concentrate on something. Someone good at concentrating can direct their resources towards working through and finishing what they are focusing on at that moment in time. They can resist any distractions that are happening around them.

Source: (


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